LIB(e)RO in Action
ECER conference in Bozen
Under the headline "Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Resource" researchers came together this September in Bolzano, Italy, during the ECER conference organised by EERA - European Educational Research Association. The LIB(e)RO team were represented by our coordinator Filiz Keser Aschenberger, who told an interested audience more about our project and its contribution to the social inclusion of refugees. Find out more:
36th IBBY International Congress
This August, Katerina Lygnou from National Library of Greece presented LIB(e)RO and our e-Learning platform at the 36th IBBY International Congress. Find out more about the event on the conference website:
Bibliothekartag 2018

On 13th and 14th June LIB(e)RO took part in the Bibliothekartag 2018 in Berlin and presented the project in the frame of the poster sessions. Find out more on the conference's website
Preview of the LIB(e)RO handbook in Graz

Librarians were offered a preview of two learning modules of our platform during the international congress "VERMITTELNDE (W)ORTE. Libraries and Democracy" (organised by the Austrian Library Association, BVÖ) on 17th May. Within the frame of this conference, Ursula Liebmann from komm.bib also presented our "Handbook for trainers" for the first time. The final versions of the handbook will be available under "For Librarians" and "Project Materials" in September 2018.
Public libraries in NRW
On 14th March and 25th April, 2018, Marielle Ratter from University of Passau had the chance to present our project to librarians from community libraries during two regional conferences organised by Fachstelle Öffentliche Bibliotheken NRW in Leverkusen and Hagen. Thanks very much for the interesting exchange!

Integration³ - "Understanding politics, experiencing Europe"

On 6th February, 2018, the team of the Jean Monnet Chair for European Politics (University of Passau) presented LIB(e)RO during the seminar Integration³ - "Understanding politics, experiencing Europe". The seminar was addressed to the participants of three language and integration courses from Passau, their teachers as well as Master students of University of Passau. Additionally, the event offered the opportunity to test for the first time the LIB(e)RO eLearning Unit "My Europe".
2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Passau

On 23rd and 24th of November, 2017, the LIB(e)RO project partners met in Passau. Together, they discussed the structure and contents of the platform and decided upon nexts steps regarding the implementation of the project. During the next months, contents will be uploaded onto the platform, which will then be ready for the starting of the testing phase in late spring 2018. During this testing phase the LIB(e)RO learning platform will then be used and evaluated in the actual work with librarians and refugees in libraries.
Annual symposium of libraries in Lower Austria
On 3rd November, 2017, Ursula Liebmann from komm.bib presented LIB(e)RO as a Best Practice example at the annual symposium of libraries in Lower Austria. You can find more information on the symposium's programme on the website of the Servicestelle Treffpunkt Bibliothek.
Conference on "Protest and Participation"
On 5th and 6th October, 2017, the DVPW (German Political Science Association) Section on Political Science and Civic Education held a conference on "Protest and Participation" in Münster. During this conference, Marielle Ratter gave a presentation on project LIB(e)RO and reflected upon the opportunities and challenges of digital civic education offers for refugees. More information on the conference is available on the Website University of Münster.
IFLA-Conference "From Refugee to Citizen-Integration"
From 16th to 17th August 2017 Prof. Monika Kil from Danube University Krems and Ursula Liebmann from komm.bib presented our project LIB(e)RO during the IFLA conference "From Refugee to Citizen-Integration: Policies and Actions of Cultural Institutions". The event focused on the question how libraries and other cultural institutions can help to integrate refugees and immigrants into their new home societes and cultures.
Dialogforum 2017

LIB(e)RO and the project partners were also present at the Dialogforum 2017 organised by Danube University Krems: On Monday, 26th June, the first day of the four day event, Prof. Monika Kil and Dr. Filiz Keser-Aschenberger of the Interdisciplinary Continuing Education Planning and Research Unit as well as Ursula Liebmann, representing komm.bib, introduced LIB(e)RO in a round of poster presentations. Following this, Ursula Liebmann took part in a panel discussion focusing on the question what contribution lifelong learning can make to the integration of migrants. You can find more information on the programme on the Dialogforum's website. (Photo © Cem Firat)
Dankfest St. Pölten
On Saturday, 17th June, Ursula Liebmann from komm.bib presented LIB(e)RO at the Dankfest (festival for thanking volunteers) organised by Caritas St. Pölten at Stift Melk. The presentation was given in the frame of a project fair with best practice examples. You can find a report about the Dankfest, which acknowledged the substantial contribution of voluntary workers active in supporting refugees, on the Caritas website.
1st transnational project meeting
From 5th to 7th April the LIB(e)RO project partners came together in Athens for their first transnational project meeting. Among other things, they discussed the first results of the national analysis reports as well as the foundations of the pedagogical concept underlying the e-learning-platform, which will now be developed as a next step of the project.