Project Partners
Besides Danube University Krems, which is responsible for the coordination of the project, several other partners are involved in the project and support its implementation on a strategic or operative level respectively. These are the University of Passau, komm.bib (Association of Community Libraries in Lower Austria), WIFO (Economic Forum of the region of Passau), National Library of Greece (NLG) as well as Action Synergy S.A.

Danube University Krems has specifically oriented its courses towards the needs of working professionals, thereby establishing itself as the only non-private university in Europe exclusively offering postgraduate courses. The Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, which acts as project coordinator of project LIB(e)RO, is conducting research in areas such as educational, organisational and professional research, one focus being the development of professional competences. The output of this research will be an essential contribution of Danube University Krems to project LIB(e)RO.

Komm.bib is the Association of Community Libraries in Lower Austria and as such supports 155 community libraries in the region. The association aims at promoting exchange between local libraries and disseminate new developments in the field among its members. Komm.bib and its members are already actively participating in socially inclusive work with refugees and will bring their experience from the implementation of numerous local projects to LIB(e)RO.
The Jean Monnet Chair for European Politics at Passau University, fulfilling the role of strategic partner within the project, adds its expertise to the project in two fields. Firstly, the Chair has gained vast experience in the implementation of e-learning modules during various projects in that area and will contribute these experiences to the project. Secondly, the Chair is practiced in conveying academic findings and research results to civil society, particularly in the context of school education, in which the Chair regularly cooperates with the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing.

WIFO (Economic Forum of the region of Passau e.V.) forms a platform of economic, social, political and cultural actors in the region. Together with these partners, WIFO develops and implements projects, among others in the fields of education, integration and culture. Project LIB(e)RO will profit from the know-how WIFO has thereby already acquired in the work with refugees.

The National Library of Greece is the prime custodian and administrator of Greece's intellectual heritage. Its goal is to become an internationally renowned Research Centre for Hellenic Studies. 2018 marks the historic relocation of the National Library from the emblematic Vallianeio Building to its new premises at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre. With its upgraded digital services and its interconnectivity with other libraries - nationally and internationally - the NLG shall be in a position to provide optimal access to a rich collection of printed and digital material on the Hellenic world, for all its users and researchers. The National Library of Greece is part of the LIB(e)RO project: its task is to study the information needs of current refugees in Greece - a country of entry - and to promote the e-learning platform for minor refugees within the Greek Libraries Network.

Action Synergy S.A. is an education, training and knowledge-based applications organisation based in Greece and which is actively involved in the promotion of the social inclusion of disadvantaged target groups (including immigrants and refugees) through training activities. Action Synergy has also great expertise in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and e-learning training courses. Action Synergy S.A. disposes also of a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects from 1987 onwards.